Of Stone, Bone and Water

Ancestral Healing and Ritual Training

The next cohort begins in late September 2024.The applications are now in process.

Please reach out directly if you are interested and want to learn more.

An intimate 10 month immersive ritual training for practitioners of diverse kinds who are called to tend ancestral and ritual healing to support personal and collective change. This training supports you to deepen your skills and identity as a ritualist and cultivate the skills to hold ancestral reconnection and lineage healing for others. This is an opportunity to continue your path of initiation into your unique vocational expression as a ritual practitioner, held and supported in relational integrity with your ecology of Spirit partners, Elder ancestors, land-based relations, and wider community.

Pre-requisites for this training include:

  • Sacred Grief programs: Belonging to the World and/or Immanence and/or extended 1:1 sessions with Shauna
  • dedication to your own ongoing ancestral relating and healing, personally and/or with other practitioners and teachers
  • additional training, practice and/or lived experiences within the crossroads of grief work, Spirit connection, ancestral healing, and ritual practice, whether through Sacred Grief programs or elsewhere

These will be expanded upon through an application and interview process. I look forward to connecting with you.


This course is closed for enrollment.